Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Thoughts on I Am Santa Claus

Disclaimer: For those wondering, no I don't usually write posts during the 9-5 period. I just schedule them as such. Some I'll edit on a break or something, but none are really written during a work period.

So, I checked out I Am Santa Claus, this documentary described as the answer to the question "whose lap is my child sitting on?" It follows five men who look like Santa over the course of a year leading up to Christmas. Each of these men come from different walks of life. One is a older homosexual gentleman (and apparently pretty well-known among the bear community in Texas), one is a pastor outside of his Santa-ing, one is Mick Foley, WWE Hall of Famer (see, his appearance on RAW this week wasn't just for the heck of it). More after the jump.

Noelle Foley: the wit of her dad, but so much easier on the eyes.

Each Santa is given a unique exposition of who they are outside of the beard. For instance, the first Santa, Russell, is presented as that old guy you'll see at a bar telling you their life story. In fact, he tells people the story of how he met his ex-wife and later gets completely wasted (it was his birthday and he's been down on his luck, so he gets a pass, I guess). The film shows humanity behind these men who go out and put on that red suit. The result of the film is what you'd get if you mixed Bad Santa with Super Size Me. It's a sometimes darkly funny film and sometimes does suffer from pacing issues, but it's more about the humanization of a fantastical figure and it really makes you wonder "who's lap is your kid sitting on?" 

If you've an open mind, I'd recommend checking it out.

About the Author


Author & Editor

Johnthan Speed is a self-professed "nerd." and writer, along with "junior market analyst" (he thinks). Prior to creating this site, he wrote for various sites and performed hip-hop music. As these sort of things tend to go, the older he got, the less he cared about "the music." So, he gave it up, opting to get back to his first love besides the Orioles: writing. Johnthan resides in Maryland with his fiancee, child(ren), and two cats, where he commutes about an hour (yay congestion) to work. Finally, no, Johnthan isn't writing posts on the company dime, unless he's at lunch.

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